
Q & A taken from "Meet Your Special Educators" event 9/27/11

Q. Can we have a master sheet with everyone’s contact information?

A. For administration and school information go to Nashua School District Fact Sheet.  Click here for Special Education Contacts. For teacher contact information refer to the specific website for your school.

Q. What is the difference between mainstream and inclusion?

A. Mainstreaming and inclusion are two very different approaches to educating students with disabilities.  Mainstreaming was typically for students with disabilities who were performing at or near grade-level and who could learn in a general education classroom with minimal support.  In contrast,  inclusion does not require students to perform at any specific level to be in the general education classroom.  Necessary supports and services follow the student across general education settings throughout the day.

Q. What is ABA?

A. Applied Behavior Analysis (trial teaching + reinforcement)


Q. When a doctor makes a recommendation; who makes the final decision to take the recommendation?

A. The child's team.  The school can not just put in place what a doctor recommends because it may not look at the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) within which to provide a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE).   The school team, of which the parent is a member, should discuss the recommendations and implement those deemed to be reasonable and discuss those that may not seem reasonable or relevant to the student’s educational program.   Often, common ground can be reached.

Q. Are all special educators case managers? How are case managers assigned?

A. - Intensive preschool: the case manager is the teacher.

- K. 1, 2: in a specialized program, the classroom teacher is usually the case manger.

- 3, 4, 5 and up: varies from school to school

Q. What are the steps in the NH Special Education Process?

A. Taken from the Parent Information Center Family Guide to Special Education

1. Child Find (Disability Suspected)

2. Referral / Disposition of Referral

3. Evaluation

4. Determination of Eligibility / Disability

5. Development & Approval of the IEP

6. Placement

7. Ongoing Monitoring